HomePerfumes – Givenchy Gentleman Givenchy

Gentleman Givenchy by Givenchy

Gentleman Givenchy by Givenchy
Concentration: Eau de Parfum Boisée
Gender: Men
Release date: 2020
Brand: Givenchy

Key Notes of Gentleman Givenchy

What Does Gentleman Givenchy Smell Like

Gentleman Givenchy by Givenchy offers an inviting scent that challenges the senses in the best possible way. The immediate scent is sharp and robust, with the dominant geranium note blending seamlessly with the undertones of coriander and black pepper - creating a spicy and slightly zesty fragrance.

As you let the perfume settle, it gradually reveals its heart. The delicate scent of orris concrete emerges, adding a powdery and somewhat floral touch to the blend. The cocoa note is faint yet distinct, imparting an enticing hint of sweetness that complements the cedarwood's woody aroma.

As the scent matures onto its final stage, the base notes take center stage. The sandalwood presents a woody, almost milky aroma, which is subtly tempered by the earthy and slightly sweet scent of patchouli. The unexpected hint of wood smoke is faint, but it gives the perfume a warm and smoky tail end that lingers and leaves a lasting impression.

Overall, Gentleman Givenchy is a complex and intriguing blend of fragrances that seamlessly marry spice, sweetness, and woodiness, creating a scent that is fresh yet comforting.

Review of Gentleman Givenchy

Gentleman Givenchy Eau de Parfum Boisée is a solid choice for men who favor a bold, more mature scent. Its spicy and woody notes combine to create a strong first impression, while the underlying sweetness adds a touch of warmth to its overall aroma. The powdery undertones provide a hint of classic elegance, while the fresh, creamy, synthetic, smoky, and floral aspects add a modern and complex touch to its profile. This perfume works well in cooler weather, making it a great option for the fall and winter months. It's versatile enough for daily wear, be it a casual outing or a business meeting. When it comes to evening events or a night out, its potency and distinct aroma ensure that you'll stand out in the crowd. In terms of longevity, you can expect it to last for a significant part of the day. Given its quality and the experience it offers, it provides good value for its price.

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