Home – Perfumes – Zara Night pour Homme I

Night pour Homme I by Zara

Night pour Homme I by Zara
Gender: Men
Release date: 2017
Brand: Zara

Key Notes of Night pour Homme I

What Does Night pour Homme I Smell Like

The scent of Night pour Homme I by Zara is a journey through a multitude of layers. Upon first smell, you are greeted by a sweet aroma that draws you in and keeps you intrigued. This sweetness is complex, tinged with a spicy spark that enlivens the scent and keeps it from becoming overwhelmingly sugary. A floral bouquet provides a delicate undertone to the perfume, providing an almost romantic feel. These flowers are further embellished with an oriental touch, adding an exotic depth to the overall composition. As the scent continues to evolve on your skin, you will notice a faint powdery veil, which adds a comforting softness. The citrusy notes make their presence felt, without becoming too sharp or overpowering the blend. The perfume is rounded off with elements of wood, fruit, and a hint of synthetic notes. A whisper of gourmand notes can be detected, but they never take center stage, making this a versatile fragrance for those who enjoy a complex, layered scent.

Review of Night pour Homme I

Night pour Homme I by Zara is a men's fragrance predominantly suited for those with a penchant for sweet and spicy undertones subtly complemented by floral and oriental hints. It's a scent that we believe gravitates towards the mature man, but still has the capacity to appeal to a younger audience. The fragrance seems to perform well during the cooler months of fall and spring, as well as winter, making it less ideal for the warm summer season.

When it comes to longevity and sillage, it may not be the most potent. Hence, you'll find it an apt choice for closer encounters or instances where a less overpowering scent is preferred. The fragrance is versatile and can be worn for an array of occasions, including a night out, leisure activities or even for business. However, the lack of intensity may hinder its performance during daily wear.

In terms of value, it's a Zara fragrance, which are generally reasonably priced, making it accessible for most consumers. The dominant scent notes include jasmine, vanilla and a zest of bergamot, but without an overwhelming synthetic finish.

In conclusion, Night pour Homme I can be a good addition to your collection if you're seeking a subtly sweet and spicy fragrance that is versatile for various occasions and seasons, barring summer. However, if longevity and sillage are your top priorities, you may want to explore other options.

>> View all perfumes of Zara

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