Home – Perfumes – Zara Night pour Homme II

Night pour Homme II by Zara

Night pour Homme II by Zara
Gender: Men
Release date: 2017
Brand: Zara

Key Notes of Night pour Homme II

What Does Night pour Homme II Smell Like

The scent of Night pour Homme II by Zara begins with a clear citrus character; a blend of bergamot and lemon awakens your senses, followed by a synthetic note that adds a modern touch to the fragrance. As you delve deeper, the woody and fresh accords come into play. They are a harmonious blend of cedar and lavender, which seamlessly merge with the sweeter, more luscious notes. Subtle floral, spicy, and fruity undertones add complexity and depth, further enhancing the overall fragrance profile. Then, a fougère trait surfaces, whispering of classic perfumery, and a hint of warm amber lends a certain richness to the composition. This aroma paints a picture of a contemporary man who is confident and dynamic.

Review of Night pour Homme II

Night pour Homme II by Zara, a perfume specifically designed for men, is an amalgamation of vibrant yet moderate scents. It opens with a burst of citrus fragrances, predominantly bergamot and lemon, evoking an air of freshness and vitality. This swiftly gives way to a more synthetic, sweet undertone, with traces of woody and floral elements.

The most notable constituents here are amber and cedar, together with lavender, lending a comforting sense of warmth that suits well for leisurely, daily activities. Additionally, it can be worn for business meetings, evening gatherings, and night outs, due to its adaptability to various settings.

The perfume's lasting power and scent projection are moderate, but the affordability gives it an edge. Our findings are that it performs best during the transition from spring to summer, though it can extend into fall.

In terms of drawbacks, it's important to mention that those preferring a less sweet, synthetic scent may find it slightly off-putting. Nonetheless, we believe that Night pour Homme II by Zara offers a distinct, versatile fragrance experience designed to cater to a wide range of preferences.

>> View all perfumes of Zara

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