Home – Perfumes – Zara Seoul Summer

Seoul Summer by Zara

Seoul Summer by Zara
Gender: Men
Release date: 2020
Brand: Zara

Key Notes of Seoul Summer

What Does Seoul Summer Smell Like

The scent of Seoul Summer by Zara is unmistakably masculine, opening with a bright and refreshing fruity and citrus burst. As you delve further into the fragrance, you'll smell a subtle sweetness that adds depth to the initial fruitiness. This sweetness comes not from a cloying sugary note but rather from a natural, apple-like aroma that seamlessly fuses with tangerine and orange blossom for a subtly sweet but predominantly fruity and zesty appeal. Further enhancing the complexity of this fragrance, there's an underlying synthetic note that gives it a modern twist. As the scent unfolds, cedar’s woody aroma emerges, grounding the fragrance and lending a sense of solidity to its otherwise light-hearted composition. However, despite being a component, the woody note never becomes dominant, subtly complementing the other elements. To put it succinctly, Seoul Summer is a fruity, sweet, and fresh scent with a hint of synthetic and woody undertones.

Review of Seoul Summer

Zara's Seoul Summer is an appealing scent designed primarily for men. Its sweet and fruity fragrance has been expertly blended with citrus and woody notes, resulting in a scent that's both light and playful. The dominant notes of apple, cedar, orange blossom, and tangerine are distinct but not overwhelming. The perfume is especially fitting for summertime, although it lends itself well to spring and even milder fall days.

A common find in daily routines, Seoul Summer can also complement leisure activities and sporty occasions. It suits evening events and nights out, and even fits into a business setting. However, the scent's longevity and sillage are moderate. Its scent may not linger as long or project as far as some alternatives.

While Zara's Seoul Summer might not be the most enduring fragrance out there, it certainly brings a fresh and fruity burst that's perfect for warmer seasons. This perfume offers a good value, making it a worthy consideration for those seeking a casual, everyday scent.

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